Nicole Kennedy Design

Ideation, Creation & Everything In Between

Galaxies – New Team, New Start

After Thursday I have been moved into a team with Niall, Cricky and Rebekah who was with me in the previous Galaxies team. We got our feedback from Bob that I need to get the notes on which I will post on my blog. Based on the feedback we talked about what we needed to fix and how we could combine our animatics to give the client what they want.

On Thursday we redone storyboards for what we are going to change this process shocked me as usually it takes much longer than it did but we now know what we want and how we are going to go about getting it.

We nominated our team leader to be Rebekah as this is something she has never had a shot at before and its only fair that she gets a turn to shine. Rebekah is now our direct portal of contact between ourselves and Bob. We need to have a breakdown for Thursday on what each scene will contain and who is doing what within each scene we had talked about splitting the tasks amongst each scene rather than giving each person so many scenes to work on.

This is a way of working that I have only done once and I am glad to have another go at it to find out if I actually prefer it as we wont have issues of trying to merge totally different styles together like we have done in the past.

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This entry was posted on March 3, 2014 by in Client Project, Creative Solutions, Galaxies and tagged .